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Acne treatments in Downingtown, PA

Ance Treatments at The Marigold Spa are an excellent and non-invasive way to control and prevent acne. We are able to successfully treat most acne cases by using our state-of-the-art Venus AC Dual Laser in conjunction with customized Acne Facials, and the Face Reality line of acne-specific products.


Cutting-edge medical 
Technology to
Treat Acne

The choices you make everyday have an impact on your skin - specifically acne! At The Marigold Spa in Downingtown, we offer an alternative to oral medications such as Accutane or long-term antibiotics.


We can take a look together at ways we can help your skin heal itself to create lasting results. We focus on combining treatments such as our Acne Laser Treatments combined with Chemical Peels, Customized Acne Facials, and customize a skincare routine using the Face Reality acne-specific skincare line.

How to start your Acne Treatments

Step 1

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Book your complimentary consultation with one of our  licensed Medical Aestheticians.

Step 2


Receive your personalized acne treatment plan that includes Face Reality products, acne laser treatments, customized acne facials, and chemical peels specifcally geared for acne.

Step 3


Follow your at-home Face Reality skincare and keep your scheduled Marigold appointments!

What causes Acne?

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Acne occurs when hair follicle pores are blocked by natural components of the skin. This is the root of most acne lesions. Once blocked, inflammation and bacteria overgrowth occur leading to red bumps and cysts in the skin. Sebaceous or sweat glands of the skin can contribute excessive amounts of sebum into the plugged follicle increasing inflammation. 


Hormones can also play a role. Most teenagers are affected to some degree. Adults, often, get acne for the first time while others have suffered since the teenage years.


Acne is not life-threatening, but it can cause physical disfigurement (scarring) and emotional distress if not treated early.

Benefits of The Marigold Spa 
Acne Treatments 

More Impactful than Standard Treatments


Because of the treatments available at The Marigold Spa, we believe that we have the necessary tools to help you have clear skin without the use of medication.


We are Face Reality certified and carry their full

product line. We have the AC Dual Acne Laser that

specifically treats acne, we offer acne-specific facialsand we have a full range

of acne-specific chemical peels!

Customized for



At The Marigold Spa, it's our goal to provide and individual treatment plan that is just right for your skin. You can decide how you'd like to pace your treatments, if you'd like to do do a-la-carte or take advantage of our Acne Packages*!


* When starting acne treatments we do recommend a package that provides you discounts off products and treatments.



Chester County's exclusive medical spa located in Downingtown


15 Green Street, Downingtown PA,19335  |  Tel: 610-246-8657


Mon: 10-5

Tue: 10-7

Wed: 10-5/10-7*

*alternating Wednesdays


Thur: 10-5

Fri: 10-4

Sat: 10-2*

*alternating Saturdays

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© 2024 by The Marigold Spa.

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